Dr Muteteke’s technical support significantly impacted tuberculosis control efforts in DRC by fostering collaboration among stakeholders to strengthen the country’s TB response. The TA facilitated a meeting showcasing preventive TB treatment (TPT) and IGRA testing advancements. The coordination spurred discussions on an electronic registry for multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) patients and biweekly drug-resistant survey (DRS) prep meetings. The TA also addressed low GeneXpert utilization by securing maintenance and warranty improvements from Cepheid. Additionally, the TA informed teams about the upcoming switch to the BPaLM regimen and provided technical support to TIFA projects. This collaboration with the National Tuberculosis Program (NTP) and USAID helped identify potential areas for future TB control initiatives.
Dr Mukinda made a significant impact on the fight against TB in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) through his expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). His focus on practical approaches has bolstered the TB program’s M&E system by distributing essential data collection and reporting tools. Furthermore, the TA’s leadership in comprehensive DHIS2 training for Kasai and Haut-Katanga provinces equipped local health workers with the skills to effectively manage and analyze TB data. These initiatives paved the way for a data-driven approach to TB management in the DRC, ultimately improving patient care and program effectiveness.
The DRC’s TB program benefited greatly from the work of Mr Sentime. The TA revamped the entire supply chain for TB medications, making forecasting, procurement, distribution, and reporting significantly smoother. This involved working closely with the national TB program and other partners to predict medication needs, especially for a USAID project focused on preventing TB transmission within households. The TA also ensured medications arrived on time by closely monitoring orders and expediting customs clearance. The TA actively participated in the Program Antituberculeux Intégré Médicament committee, proposing and leading to recommendations that improved access to TB commodities throughout the country. In summary, the TA’s work improved communication and coordination within the supply chain, ensuring a more efficient delivery of TB medications in the DRC.
The TA engaged in discussions with the Cepheid regional team who visited the DRC, focusing on the low GeneXpert utilization rate as well as maintenance challenges that impact MDR-TB detection.
The TA collaborated with the NTP and the STOP TB partnership to forecast 3HP for the USAID catalytic 3HP Scale-up project for TB prevention among non-PLHIV household contacts of individuals with confirmed pulmonary TB. As a result, supply chain processes and stakeholder communication improved, leading to better coordination of TB drug supply in the country.
Technical Advisors
Senior TB Global Fund Grant Advisor
Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor
Senior Programme Management of DR-TB Advisor