Zambia’s TB program achieved key milestones between October 2023 and May 2024. Through Mr Chimzizi’s technical support, Zambia secured a new Global Fund Grant, addressed the Cholera outbreak’s impact on TB services, and boosted staff capacity. TB notifications rose in 2023, and the TA developed crucial documents like treatment guidelines and a communication strategy. However, challenges remain. Case detection needs improvement, MDR-TB treatment coverage is low, and electricity shortages hinder lab operations. The TA will focus on scaling up access to GeneXpert testing, rolling out a shorter MDR-TB treatment plan, and conducting a national TB prevalence survey, though a funding gap of $2 million.
Anticipating potential disruptions to TB services akin to those experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic, the TA facilitated the development of guidelines to ensure the continuity of TB services during the cholera crisis that started in October 2023.